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In this area of Certification ZONE, Members & Subscribers can ask specific questions about the CCIE Lab Preparation Workbooks and Distance Learning Bootcamps offered by the ZONE and our Training Partner, HelloComputers. When an answer to your question has been posted, you will receive an e-mail alerting you that the response is available at this area of Certification ZONE. Although every attempt will be made to respond to submitted questions a quickly as possible, we ask that you expect a wait of no more than 24 business hours to be notified. Please browse through the questions previously answered to make sure someone has not already asked your question.

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QUESTION (Answered on 11-06-2023)

Hi, Quick question: is IS-IS on the LAB after 4th of November? Somewhere I read on the Cisco site that ISO CLNS is removed from the LAB. It could be that I mix up things because I have absolutly no experience with IS-IS, so maybe ISO CLNS and IS-IS maybe different things. In the workbook LAB 4 has some IS-IS. Thanks, Jan Huizinga


Hi Jan, IS-IS is not removed from CCIE R/S lab blueprint. ISO CLNS may not be tested, but IS-IS with level-1, level-2 routers may be tested. I would advise you to study basic IS-IS routing configurations. Thank you. -keyur shah-


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