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Simulated CCNA Exam
This is the current version of an exam that is designed to simulate: The CCNA Certification Exam

Number of Questions: 65
Passing Score: 822/1000
Time Limit: 75 Minutes

Each month a different version of a Simulated CCNA Exam, is made available at the CCNA Study Zone in the middle of the month. Once people taking this exam submit their answers, they receive a scoring summary that informs them of their final score, identifies their incorrect answers, and provides them with the answers and explanations for those questions they answered incorrectly. Subscribers to the CCNA Study Zone get to take each month's exam, one time, as part of their subscription. Non-subscribers must pay $25 to do so.

To give you a better idea of the quality of the questions you will find on this exam, CertificationZone.com offers a free, 10-question, Cisco Certification Demo Exam. Once you've completed the Demo exam and submitted your answers, you'll receive a mini-version of the same scoring summary you'd receive if you submitted your answers for a full-length simulated exam.

Here's your chance to see how realistic
the Zone's simulated exams really are.

If you are already a subscriber, click on the "Log In" button located on the left bar to enter the subscriber area. If you have already paid the fee to take this month's exam, you can begin the Simulated CCNA Exam at any time. If you are not a subscriber and want to become one, click on the "Subscribe Here!" button below.

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