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Managing Performance and QoS Part 1: General Principles and Ingress Handling

Performance management is primarily a matter of matching the offered (i.e., input) load given to a network with the capacity of that network. No Quality of Service (QoS) mechanism creates bandwidth that does not exist. No QoS mechanism can change the speed of light.

This tutorial focuses on general concepts and handling of traffic on a single router (i.e., the per-hop behavior, or PHB, of that router), primarily at the ingress to the router. Per-hop behavior means that traffic can be buffered or dropped at each hop in the path. Buffering can be intended to simply manage bursts, or it can use complex scheduling schemes to prioritize certain traffic and to stabilize the rates of other traffic types.

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Author: Howard Berkowitz

Technical Level: CCIE™

Date of Issue: 05-01-2023

Rating:     (Not Yet Rated)

 Table of Contents

 3 Sample Study Questions
 30 Study Questions

 Lab abstract
 Lab Scenario

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