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Network Learning's R&S CCIE™ Practice Lab Workbook Version 12.2 Summarized Lab Descriptions

  • Lab descriptions below only list the major issues; there will often be other items that must be configured to complete the lab. All labs have complete diagrams, hints, routing table print outs, show outputs, and router configurations for your review. This product is very extensive and complex. Plan on spending a significant amount of time to complete and understand these labs. Workbook Users that have actually worked through all the labs and understood all the configurations have had a very high success rate. Several have passed on their first attempt! (There is no reason you should not pass after working through these labs)
  • The labs contained in Network Learning's CCIETM Workbook are licensed for use by a single individual. They can't be resold or have the price shared in any way. Network Learning has invested a significant amount of time and money into developing these labs. Corporate volume based discounts are available. Please call for details.
  • All labs have tested configurations for your review. The configuration files also have the relevant routing tables and output from important show commands at the end of the configuration file for every device used in a lab.
  • This product is supported at Network Learning's very popular discussion site RouterIE. At this site, users will find a separate support forum dedicated to each of the Labs in the Workbook.
  • The Workbook contains thirty (30) full 100-point, 8-hours labs.
  • The Workbook is a proven resource that has been used by several hundred CCIE's over the last 5 years. (Read some reviews)
  • Each Lab is completely up-to-date with 12.2 IOS and dual Catalyst 3550 content.

Summary descriptions for each of the 30 Labs available in Version 12.2 of the Workbook:

Lab 1

  1. Policy routing
  2. Frame relay
  3. Dual Catalyst 3550
  4. ISL trunking
  5. OSPF
  6. OSPF NBMA the hard way
  7. OSPF virtual link
  8. OSPF summarization
  9. DHCP
  10. NTP
  11. Logging
  12. DRP
  13. Extended access list

Lab 2

  1. Frame relay
  2. Dual Catalyst 3550
  3. ISL trunking
  4. OSPF
  5. OSPF summarization
  6. EIGRP
  7. RIP
  8. BGP
  9. Route redistribution
  10. Priority queueing
  11. SNMP
  12. Time range access lists

Lab 3

  1. Frame relay
  2. Discard Eligibility
  3. Dual Catalyst 3550
  4. OSPF
  5. OSPF virtual Links
  6. OSPF summarization
  7. Route redistribution
  8. NTP
  9. DLSW
  10. Custom queueing
  11. BGP
  12. NetBIOS filtering
  13. Route filtering
  14. Tricky access lists
  15. IP filtering

Lab 4

  1. Frame relay
  2. Dual Catalyst 3550
  3. OSPF
  4. OSPF NSSA area
  5. OSP Totally Stubby Area
  6. OSPF authentication
  7. OSPF summarization
  8. Route redistribution
  9. BGP
  10. BGP filtering
  11. BGP Route Reflector
  12. HSRP
  13. Logging

Lab 5

  1. Frame relay
  2. Dual Catalyst 3550
  3. OSPF
  4. OSPF demand circuit
  5. OSPF summarization
  6. OSPF virtual link
  7. RIP
  8. EIGRP
  9. Route redistribution
  10. BGP route filtering
  11. ISDN
  12. DLSW
  13. NTP

Lab 6

  1. IP subnetting & VLSM
  2. Dual Catalyst 3550
  3. OSPF
  4. OSPF authentication
  5. BGP
  6. Route redistribution
  7. NTP
  8. Time range access lists
  9. DRP
  10. Extended access lists
  11. Custom queueing

Lab 7

  1. Frame relay
  2. Discard eligibility
  3. Dual Catalyst 3550
  4. OSPF
  5. RIP
  6. Route redistribution
  7. Route manipulation
  8. Administrative distance
  9. HSRP
  10. DHCP
  11. NTP

Lab 8

  1. Frame relay
  2. Discard eligibility
  3. Dual Catalyst 3550
  4. OSPF
  5. OSPF summarization
  6. OSPF authentication
  7. OSPF virtual link
  8. Bite-wise inverse masking
  9. OSPF demand circuit
  10. IP packet filtering
  11. CIDR
  12. EIGRP
  13. BGP
  14. BGP attribute manipulation
  15. Route filtering
  16. VLSM with possible overlapping subnets
  17. Complex route redistribution
  18. Route summarization
  19. SNMP
  20. DLSW
  21. Traffic prioritization
  22. NAT

Lab 9

  1. Frame relay
  2. Dual Catalyst 3550
  3. OSPF
  4. OSPF summarization
  5. OSPF virtual link
  6. Route redistribution
  7. 801.1q routing
  8. EIGRP
  9. BGP
  10. VOIP
  11. POTS
  12. CAR
  13. Syslog
  14. HSRP
  15. DRP
  16. RSVP
  17. RTP Header-compression
  18. NBAR

Lab 10

  1. Dual Layer 3 Catalyst 3550
  2. EtherChannel
  3. OSPF
  5. OSPF Authentication
  6. Tunnel
  7. EIGRP
  8. EIGRP Authentication
  9. BGP
  10. BGP Synchronization ON
  11. WCCP
  12. IP Services
  13. Multicast
  14. DLSW
  15. CBWFQ

Lab 11

  1. Frame relay
  2. Dual Catalyst 3550
  3. Layer 3 on Catalyst 3550
  4. OSPF
  5. IP ISIS
  6. Redistribution
  7. ISDN
  8. Tunnel
  10. BGP
  11. WCCP
  12. NAT
  13. Auto install
  14. NTP

Lab 12

  1. Dual Catalyst 3550
  2. Layer 2 &3 Etherchannel
  3. Frame relay
  4. ISL & 802.1q trunking
  5. EIGRP
  6. OSPF
  7. RIP
  8. BGP
  9. BGP Confederations
  10. BGP route reflector
  11. Complex access lists
  12. Route redistribution
  13. NAT

Lab 13

  1. ATM PVCs
  2. EIGRP
  3. ISDN
  4. VLANs
  5. Dual Catalyst 3550
  6. DLSW

Lab 14

  1. ATM SVCs
  2. Dual Catalyst 3550
  3. OSPF
  4. Etherchannel
  5. OSPF authentication
  6. ISIS
  7. EIGRP
  8. ISDN
  9. BGP
  10. Multicast
  11. WRED
  12. SNMP
  13. NTP
  14. Voice

Lab 15

  1. Frame relay
  2. Dual Catalyst 3550
  3. Etherchannel
  4. EIGRP
  5. OSPF
  6. OSPF Authentication
  7. Route redistribution
  8. VOIP
  9. RIP V2
  10. VPN tunnel
  11. IPSec

Lab 16

  1. Frame relay
  2. EIGRP
  3. Dual Catalyst 3550
  4. OSPF
  5. RIP V2
  6. DLSW
  7. Tunnel
  8. NTP
  9. IPSec

Lab 17

  1. Frame relay
  2. OSPF
  3. Dual Catalyst 3550
  4. EIGRP
  5. DLSW
  6. Multicast routing
  7. Priority queueing
  8. Custom queueing
  9. ISIS
  10. BGP
  11. ISDN with call-back
  12. IRDP

Lab 18

  1. OSPF
  2. EIGRP
  3. Dual Catalyst 3550
  4. BGP
  5. QOS
  6. CAR
  7. CQWFQ
  8. Frame relay traffic shaping
  9. Queueing
  10. VPN
  11. IPSEC
  12. VOIP

Lab 19

  1. Frame relay
  2. HSRP
  3. IRDP
  4. Multicast
  5. CAR
  6. OSPF
  7. EIGRP
  8. RIP
  9. BGP
  10. ISDN
  11. Dual Catalyst 3550
  12. ATM
  13. DLSW

Lab 20

  1. RIP
  2. OSPF
  3. EIGRP
  4. BGP
  5. DLSW
  6. NTP
  7. LAM
  8. ATM
  9. ISDN
  10. Voice
  11. Dual Catalyst 3550
  12. Multicast routing
  13. HSRP
  14. CBWFQ
  15. CAR

Lab 21

  1. OSPF
  2. EIGRP
  3. BGP
  4. DLSW
  5. Dynamic access lists
  6. ISDN
  7. Dialer watch
  8. Policy routing
  9. Dual Catalyst 3550
  10. Frame relay w/traffic shaping
  11. Load balancing

Lab 22

  1. OSPF
  2. RIP
  3. Dual Catalyst 3550
  4. EIGRP
  5. BGP
  6. ISDN
  7. CBWFQ
  8. Priority queueing
  9. Traffic shaping
  10. Voice
  11. NAT

Lab 23

  1. OSPF
  2. EIGRP
  3. RIP
  4. BGP
  5. Policy routing
  6. DLSW
  7. ISDN
  8. Dual Catalyst 3550
  9. SNMP
  10. HSRP
  11. Logging
  12. NTP
  13. VOIP
  14. ATM

Lab 24

  1. RIP
  2. EIGRP
  3. Dual Catalyst 3550
  4. OSPF
  5. BGP
  6. IP services
  7. ISDN
  8. Spanning-tree
  9. NAT
  10. ATM
  11. ISDN
  12. Multicast routing
  13. DLSW
  14. Menus

Lab 25

  1. IP
  2. RIP
  3. Dual Catalyst 3550
  4. EIGRP
  5. OSPF
  6. BGP
  7. ISDN
  8. DRP
  9. Logging
  10. DLSW
  11. IPsec

Lab 26

  1. RIP
  2. OSPF
  3. Dual Catalyst 3550
  4. EIGRP
  5. BGP
  6. DLSW
  7. ISDN
  8. Fallback bridging
  9. CBWFQ
  10. WCCP
  11. Auto install
  12. HSRP

Lab 27

  1. RIP
  2. OSPF
  3. Dual Catalyst 3550
  4. EIGRP
  5. BGP
  6. DLSW
  7. ISDN
  8. NAT
  9. DHCP
  10. FRTS
  11. VPN
  12. IPsec

Lab 28

  1. RIP
  2. EIGRP
  3. Dual Catalyst 3550
  4. OSPF
  5. BGP
  6. ISDN
  7. CBWFQ
  8. WCCP
  9. NAT
  10. NTP
  11. Qos

Lab 29

  1. RIP
  2. Dual Catalyst 3550
  3. EIGRP
  4. OSPF
  5. ISIS
  6. BGP
  7. ISDN
  8. NBAR
  9. Multicast
  10. Voice
  11. TCP intercept
  12. WCCP
  13. Auto install
  14. DRP

Lab 30

  1. RIP
  2. Dual Catalyst 3550
  3. EIGRP
  4. OSPF
  5. BGP
  6. DLSW
  7. ISDN
  8. ATM
  9. Multicast
  10. Voice
  11. SNMP
  12. AAA

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