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AppleTalk Pocket Guide

How much should you know about AppleTalk protocols before attempting the Cisco certification exams that include it as an exam objective? This much!

This new pocket-sized networking tool provides the foundation you need to configure and troubleshoot well-behaved AppleTalk networks.

The author, Priscilla Oppenheimer, CNX, has an extensive background as a network architect, software developer, technical instructor, and writer of training curriculums. Her husband, Alan Oppenheimer, was one of the creators of AppleTalk, providing the Author with a unique perspective of the technology and how it has evolved.

By Priscilla Oppenheimer
ISBN: 1-890911-13-5

63 pages

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Sample questions, similar to those found on Cisco's certification exams are also included. Test your AppleTalk knowledge level before attempting the actual tests.
AppleTalk Pocket Guide

I. Introduction
  A. Why Learn AppleTalk?
II. AppleTalk Architecture
  A. AppleTalk Internetwork Architecture
  B. AppleTalk Protocol Architecture
    1. AppleTalk and the OSI Reference Model
    2. Overview of AppleTalk Protocols
III. AppleTalk Addressing
  A. Assigning Addresses on a Cisco Router
  B. Dynamic Address Assignment
  C. Discovery Mode
IV. AppleTalk Protocols in More Detail
  A. AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol
  B. Datagram Delivery Protocol
  C. Routing Table Maintenance Protocol
    1. End-Node Routing
  D. Zone Information Protocol
  E. Name Binding Protocol
  F. AppleTalk Update Based Routing
  G. Enhanced IGRP for AppleTalk
V. Controlling AppleTalk Traffic
  A. Static Routes
  B. AppleTalk Access Lists
    1. Filtering Cable Ranges
    2. Filtering Zones
VI. Troubleshooting AppleTalk
  A. Show Commands
VII. Conclusions
VIII. Questions
IX. Answers and Explanations
Appendix A Sample AppleTalk Exam Questions, Answers & Explanations

Price: $12.95

OSI Reference Model Pocket Guide

The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model is the basis for much of modern networking. It is a layered model under which all networking protocols and services are defined. Many attempts at explaining OSI become too abstract and require a very high level of network design knowledge and experience to even begin to understand. This Pocket Guide presents a more practical, user friendly examination of the topic.

The author, Howard C. Berkowitz, CCSI, is an accomplished network designer and instructor who has written two books on network architecture. He effectively utilizes real-life experiences, analogies, and humor to clear up some of the most common confusions and misconceptions associated with the OSI Reference.

By Howard Berkowitz
ISBN: 1-890911-14-3

55 pages

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Sample questions (with correct answers and complete explantions),similar to those found on Cisco's certification exams are included in this reference. They'll help you test your OSI knowledge level before attempting the actual test.

OSI Reference Model Pocket Guide

I. Introduction
II. Standards Bodies and Networking
III. What's A Layer
IV. So Why Layer?
V. The OSI Layers
VI. Practical Layering
VII. Representative Protocols at Various Layers
  A. Application
  B. Presentation
  C. Session
  D. Transport
  E. Network
    1) Hierarchical Addressing
    2) Hierarchical Routing in the Telephone Network
    3) Routers
  F. Data Link
  G. Physical
VIII. Congestion and Flow Control
  A. Buffering
  B. Source Quench
  C. Windowing
IX. Conclusions
X. Questions
XI. Answers & Explanations

Price: $12.95

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