CCDA™ Exam Review Questions
This CD-ROM contains approximately 250 sample questions to help users prepare for the CCDA™ exam. It also includes test-simulation software which creates practice tests and then scores them for you.

This CD-ROM is automatically sent to you, free-of-charge, when you order a six-month subscription to (while supply lasts).
If you do not wish to subscribe to, you can purchase this CD-ROM as part of the new Prep Guide for the CCDA™ Exam Prep Guide
for the CCDA™ Exam
Covers each exam topic in detail and includes units on the OSI model, hardware, network planning and implementation, network design, network management, documentation and testing, troubleshooting, and more.

The CD-ROM includes a database of 250 sample CCDA™ exam questions and test-engine software that lets you build, take and score your own simulated exams.

Price $39.95

Place your order on-line today

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