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June 10th, 2003
IPv6 Basic Services

IP isn't really useful without a number of other protocols, such as ICMP and the many flavors of ARP and address assignment. Just studying IP doesn't give you everything you need to know.

In this article, the author, Howard Berkowitz, discusses mapping to sub-IP addresses, ICMP, and dynamically acquiring an IP address for your own machine. This article has been extracted from Howard's brand new Certification Zone Tutorial addressing IPv4 and IPv6 Addressing and Services.

View IPv6 Basic Services
A Tutorial excerpt from IPv4 and IPv6 Addressing and Services by Howard Berkowitz

Wireless Design

This week's second featured Zone Newsletter article takes a look at some fundamental concepts for designing wireless networks. This article, written by Dennis Laganiere, was abstracted from his Certification Zone Tutorial, Networking Without a Net.

View Wireless Design
A Tutorial excerpt from Wireless Networking by Dennis Laganiere

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