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Study Questions CD

Practice Exam Results

Study Questions for the Cisco CCNA Exam CD-Rom


An even better deal!
The tool you need to make sure you're ready to pass the Cisco� CCNA� Exam
(No. 640-507)

This affordable CD includes over 350 CCNA-level questions and user friendly testing software. It permits users to create their own simulated CCNA exams or customized study sessions, on demand.
  • Saves you money - Buy this CD now, for just $39 before signing up for Boot Camps that cost thousands or paying the $100 it costs to take the real exam, just one time.
  • Saves you time - Helps you determine the gaps in your CCNA knowledge so you can use your study time most efficiently.
  • Makes You Smarter - Everytime you answer a question incorrectly, the CD's detailed scoring analysis provides a well written explanation. By studying these explanations carefully, you'll build up a much better knowledge of the topics they address.

The CD's database includes enough questions to build over 4 separate and complete CCNA exams. In addition, the testing software also programmatically mixes and matches the questions so you can build dozens of unique Practice Exams.

Each question was written, answered, explained, and reviewed by a team of Cisco certified networking professionals who are experts in the topics covered in Cisco's CCNA Exam objectives. Here's a breakdown of the questions in the database by CCNA exam topic.

Count Topic
43 1. Networking Models (OSI Reference Model and Layered Communication)
14 2. Local Area Network Design
62 3. Cisco Hardware, IOS, and Network Basics
58 4. Network Protocols
67 5. Bridging, Switching, and Virtual Local Area Networks
29 6. Routing
48 7. Network Management
71 8. Wide Area Network Protocols is an independent product, not sponsored by, endorsed by, or affiliated with Cisco Systems, Inc. Cisco ®, Cisco Systems®, CCNA™, CCNP™, CCDP™, CCDA™, CCIE™, CCSI™, and the Cisco Systems logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco Systems Inc. in the U.S. and certain other countries.